Lawson Counter

In 2006, this project started with the analysis of problems faced by an in-station store, whose unusual location was new to the client, and identification of their causes through on-site observations.
We developed a plan to solve a number of problems that could not be solved by operation know-how for roadside stores, such as shelf replenishment, customer traffic flow, time required for checkout, etc., under store-specific conditions, including extreme peak hours, shorter opening hours, and extremely small space.
In 2007, we conducted extensive observations of how the checkout counter, display refrigerators and freezers, gondola shelving and backroom shelving were actually used, analyzed how store staff was working, and collected data on all shelving and equipment. Our concept design was developed based on the observation and analysis results together with collected data, aiming at shelf optimization in an extremely small store.
From 2008 to 2009, we developed a new checkout counter and backroom shelving to provide highly-efficient storage required for the extremely small store, various functions to improve work efficiency and productivity, and more flexible layout applicable to even an unusual site and, in addition, to offer universal design and high reusability. During the development phase, installation tests and operation tests were repeatedly conducted in the actual store for further improvements.
The new frame-type checkout counter has been introduced to nationwide stores since spring 2010.